Monitor your national waters and help protect the world’s oceans

Starboard helps nations tackle complex maritime challenges, ranging from risk assessing arriving vessels to detecting illegal fishing and uncovering non-reporting dark vessels.

  • · 2d 21h 40m fishing
  • · 44 days at sea
  • · Last port: Bluff, NZ
  • · Entered marine reserve
  • · 1 encounter at sea
  • · 1 satellite image

Many data sources, one global maritime domain awareness platform

Starboard is subscription based software that provides teams with a comprehensive view of maritime activity and powerful tools for analysis.

By combining global automatic identification system (AIS) data, multiple layers of satellite data, scientific models, and other information or intelligence, Starboard enables teams to effectively analyse and investigate vessels and areas — all on a secure and intuitive platform.

More about our software →

Gain more intelligence per dollar spent on surveillance

Effectively direct assets to priority areas, augmenting intelligence from wide-area radio frequency reconnaissance through to high-resolution imaging.

Speed up analysis with automated data processing

Review flagged, significant vessel activity, rather than manually analysing vessel movements to identify key events.

Uncover non-reporting dark vessels

Reveal non-reporting dark vessels through the analysis of multiple sources of satellite data.

Distribute intelligence across your whole organisation

Work from a common maritime operating picture, on any device, in a secure and intuitive web application.

“I'm spending an hour a day reviewing key events, like encounters or vessel detections, as opposed to most of the day manually looking for these things”

— Analyst at the Ministry for Primary Industries in New Zealand during a pilot operation

“This is definitely more intuitive... What I liked about this one in particular, when you come into tracking the vessel, you’ve got this missing AIS data. ”

— Analyst at the Ministry for Primary Industries in New Zealand inspecting a vessel related to a biosecurity inquiry

Flexible pricing and plans to suit

Pricing and plans range from short term satellite data analysis and support to providing global automatic identification system (AIS) data and comprehensive monitoring of your maritime domain.
Learn about our latest improvements.
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Meet the scientists, engineers and designers behind Starboard.
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Illuminate dark activity within your maritime domain through the automatic detection of dark vessels within SAR imagery

Illuminate dark activity within your maritime domain through the automatic detection of dark vessels within SAR imagery

Our collaborators and data providers